Kathleen offers customized, child-centered private clinical services in-person and online:
Face to face services in Ottawa.
Usually 1 to 1.5 hours private sessions at an hourly rate of $95.00 per hour. Note that we believe that a client needs minimum of eight sessions to see some improvement.
The sessions are held in the child’s home for the comfort of the child, generalization of skills being taught and practiced, and ease for the parents.
Online services worldwide.
For online services, we break down one hour session to two half-hour sessions (as per client's convenience) as the attention span online is usually shorter. Note that we believe that a client needs minimum of sixteen online sessions to see some improvement.
The sessions are offered to anyone who has access to the Internet.
Each program of sessions is carefully customized for each child and family, based on in-depth assessments of the appropriate skills and relevant needs.
Kathleen’s approach is broad, encompassing the child and all related persons. She works with children with a diagnosis, and, whenever possible, with the parents, siblings, peers, teachers and community members related to the child. Her philosophy is that it takes a village to raise a child, and the child should not always be the only one expected to change. Finding a middle ground, learning, and growing together, are the primary objectives.
Private clinical sessions are intended to facilitate neurodevelopment, the formation of new neural pathways. This approach is based on well-known research which demonstrates neuroplasticity and the ability of the brain to continue to develop at any age. This technique has been found to improve sensory processing, behaviour, attention span, communication skills, motivation, cognitive abilities, and engagement. It also positively impacts fine and gross motor skills, reduction of anxiety, self-actualization and advocacy, general happiness and well-being.
Areas of Kathleen’s private clinical services delivered online or in-person include:
- Academic tutorials
- Body Break/Sensory Diet development and practice
- Defining oneself aside from a diagnosis
- Fitness plans
- Gross and fine motor development
- Knowing triggers and developing strategies to manage responses
- Mentor matching
- Relaxation and anxiety management
- Self-advocacy
- Sensory Integration
- Social and communication skills
- Thinking about others
Contact Kathleen today to start your private clinical sessions.